Chips Inc. is a family-owned lumber mill in Troy, Virginia. Originally established as a whole tree chip mill in 1976 by Richard “Dicky” Dost, the company gradually evolved into a sawmill operation in the early 1990s.
We own timberland where we grow loblolly pine trees for saw timber. We actively manage the timberlands to be a sustainable operation by replanting every time we cut the timber. We also own and operate a lumber mill that produces 50 million board feet of southern yellow pine annually. In addition to the lumber mill, our pellet mill consumes the majority of our by-products and produces over 20,000 tons of bedding pellets each year.
We produce dimensional lumber (2x4 and 2x6), Timbers (6x6, 4x6, and 4x4), radius edge decking (5/4x6), and rough green 1x4 and 5/4x4. Our lumber is graded under the rules published by the Southern Inspection Pine Bureau.
We also sell chips to the local paper mills. Our sawdust and shavings are dried and pelletized into animal bedding pellets.
We take pride in managing our timberlands for sustainable production of timber and as a home for wildlife. We have been producing lumber here since 1987 and have made a significant investment in the future of our mill based on the sustainable productivity of our land and our neighbors.
The trees which supply our mill are grown within a 75 mile radius of the mill.
Phone: (434) 589-2424